Saturday, August 15, 2009

A newer beginning?

This past month, getting settled in at home and working many jobs, has been hectic and time consuming. I am starting a new, full-time job, on Monday which should give me more financial security and a schedule in which to begin to plan my life around. I am excitedly working on the clinic, have ordered promotional material, am almost decorated, and have a website in the making ( thanks to Julie's brother Gerard:-, and I have started seeing clients... which I am abundantly grateful for. This past week I was attuned to another lineage of Reiki, at all 3 levels, and my channel feels even more open, thank you Michael my darling friend!

And today the sun is shinning and laundry beckons, it is my only day off so I am going to get out there and enjoy it!

change of plans.. I just got called into the shelter for work... I guess today is going to be a spa day for Homeless women!

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